If you're passing a Base64-encoded string in a URL and encountering issues with special characters not being parsed correctly in C#, it's likely because Base64 encoding can include characters like +
, /
, and =
that are not URL-safe. These characters can cause issues when transmitted as part of a URL.
Solution: Use URL-Safe Encoding
To make the Base64 string URL-safe, you need to:
- Replace the characters
, and=
with URL-safe equivalents. - Decode the string back on the server side.
Here’s how you can handle this:
1. Encoding to URL-Safe Base64 in C#:
using System;
using System.Text;
public class Program
public static void Main()
string originalString = "encrypted string";
// Convert to Base64
string base64String = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(originalString));
// Make it URL-safe
string urlSafeBase64 = base64String
.Replace("+", "-") // Replace + with -
.Replace("/", "_") // Replace / with _
.Replace("=", ""); // Remove padding =
Console.WriteLine("URL-Safe Base64: " + urlSafeBase64);
2. Decoding the URL-Safe Base64 in C#:
using System;
using System.Text;
public class Program
public static void Main()
string urlSafeBase64 = "Your-URL-Safe-Base64-String";
// Make it Base64 compatible
string base64String = urlSafeBase64
.Replace("-", "+") // Replace - with +
.Replace("_", "/") // Replace _ with /
.PadRight(urlSafeBase64.Length + (4 - urlSafeBase64.Length % 4) % 4, '='); // Add padding if missing
// Decode from Base64
string originalString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(base64String));
Console.WriteLine("Decoded String: " + originalString);
3. Why URL-Safe Encoding is Necessary
is a reserved character in URLs./
can be interpreted as a path delimiter.=
is removed because it is used for padding in Base64 but isn't URL-safe.
- Always encode sensitive data before including it in URLs.
- Test decoding thoroughly to ensure no data corruption.
- Use libraries where possible for safer implementations:
- Example: Use
for encoding URLs if required.
- Example: Use